Admin Dashboard

The testing coordinator uses the Admin Dashboard to assign tests, handwritten options (if applicable), languages, and testing dates.

How to Set Up the Assessment

1. Log into your ClassLink Portal.

2. Click on the Avant Assessment icon to access the Admin Dashboard.

3. Click the “Perform Data Synchronization” button.Perform Data Sync button.

4. Check the boxes for each class you want to assign the test.Selected Classes.

5. Assign Test to Classes (e.g. STAMP 4S, STAMP 4Se)assign test to classes.

6. Click “Allow Handwriting” toggle, if you purchased it.

7. Click “Apply to Selected” to save changes. The class status will change from “Needs product reservations” to “Needs class setup”.
Click apply to selected.

8. Click the “Estimated Testing Date” field and choose the planned test date. where to assign the testing date.

9. Choose Language to Test.
showing the dropdown of available languages.

10. Click “Use Handwritten (where allowed)” for classes using the handwritten option.

11. Click Apply to Selected.
apply class setup.

12. Review your chosen settings and click “Yes, Continue”.
confirmation box.

IMPORTANT: Make sure the language, date, and writing method are correct before pressing continue.  Once confirmed, these setting cannot be changed.

How to Access Results from the Admin Dashboard

1. Log into ClassLink.

2. Click on the Avant Assessment icon to access the Admin Dashboard.

3. Click the magnifying glass for a specific class. You will be redirected to the Avant Assessment testing results and reports.
IMPORTANT: The class status should be set to “Testing Ready”.

Teacher Dashboard

How to Start the Assessment

1. Log into your ClassLink Portal.

2. Click on the Avant Assessment icon to access the Teacher Dashboard.

3. Click the play button on the day of testing. This allows students to access the test.
allow students test access with play icon.

4. After testing is completed, press the Stop button
This will prevent students from accessing the test after the scheduled time.

How to Access Results from the Teacher Dashboard

1. Login into ClassLink.

2. Click on the Avant Assessment icon to access the Teacher Dashboard.

3. Click the magnifying glass for a specific class. You will be redirected to the Avant Assessment testing results and reports.

Student Dashboard

REMINDER: The Avant STAMP assessment must be taken in a proctored environment, with a proctor who is authorized by your school.

1. Instruct students to log in to ClassLink.

2. Instruct students to click the Avant Assessment icon.

3. Click the icon under “Actions” to start the test.

Student dashboard.