The following shows writing examples at various proficiency levels. These were produced by real language learners and may contain errors. See Writing Section Tips at the bottom of this page.
Chuukese Proficiency Tests and Resources
Writing Examples
- Level 1: | Novice-Low
At this level, I am able to create individual words that have no extended meaning.
I can share some simple vocabulary, which deals with the prompt/task/situation, but I tend to struggle to connect those words to create meaning.
Kukkunoow; Iimwan Semiriit; Ánnea Pwuk Urumwot; Kachitoon Moana
- Level 2: | Novice-Mid
At this level, I am beginning to develop the ability to create meaning by grammatically connecting words.
Specifically, I can connect some basic subjects and verbs or verbs and objects, but I may be inconsistent at doing this.
I am often limited in my vocabulary to Novice level topics that I experience in my every-day life or that I have recently learned.
Chufengen atun máánó; Átewe mi takir; Katon TV;
- Level 3: | Novice-High
At this level, I can create simple sentences with very basic grammatical control and accuracy.
There are often errors in my responses, while at the same time I might have good control with some very simple structures and functions of the language that I have just learned or studied.
At the Novice levels, errors are expected as I try to create simple sentences. Generally, the sentences that I am able to create are very basic and simple with few, if any, added details.
Semirit rekan urumwot wóón pisekin urumwot; Neimw úkan katon TV; úkan ánnea pwuk; semiriit rekan urumwot mesepaat fetán;
- Level 4: | Intermediate-Low
At this level, I can create simple sentences with some added detail; such sentences help create VARIETY.
At the Intermediate Low level, simple sentences are enhanced by use of prepositional phrases, helping verb usage, as well as some adverbs and a variety of adjectives.
I generally create independent sentences (ideas) that can be moved around without affecting the overall meaning of the response. There are still a number of errors in my response, but I have fairly good control of more basic sentences. I am feeling more confident in using different structures and expanding vocabulary and taking more risks with my responses.
Iká ke kan mwochen ekkechiechi ngeni emén iká ekkóóch aramas, mi ééch ómw kopwe sinei iká epwe met ekan saani epwe fééri, áweewe met mi ééch me met mi ngngaw. Kopwe fóffóós ngeni chienomw ewe pwún kopwe sinei iká epwe akkarongorong ngeni iká epwe tongeok. Aramasen Chuuk napengeni ese wor chiechieer (eár friends) nge iir mi wor eár famini.
- Level 5: | Intermediate-Mid
At this level, I can now create enough language to show groupings of ideas.
My thoughts are loosely connected and cannot be moved around without affecting meaning.
I can also create a few sentences with complexity and am able to use some transition words. I am also able to use more than just simple present tense, but often make mistakes when I try to use other tenses.
My vocabulary use is expanding and I am able to use more than the usual, high frequency or most common vocabulary. I feel that I am able to create new language on my own and communicate my everyday needs without too much difficulty.
Iká kopwe kkút chiechiomw, iwe kopwe kúkkúta ekkan repwe kan asamwonu ééchchuuk repwe pwan asamwonúúw ééch ngeni chiechiomw kewe ekkóóch. Eew ekiek mi ééch ómw kopwe anómwu nón ekiekumw ómw kútta chiechiomw, nge ekkan iir mi kan ééch nge kopwe pwan akkomw weri me kilei chienomw kana. Mi kan wor ekkan chiechi mi konnien kiringaw, ikkana iir ekkena rese ééch.
- Level 6: | Intermediate-High
At this level, I have good control of the language and feel quite confident about an increasing range of topics.
There are still some occasional errors in my language production, but that does not hinder my ability to communicate what I need to share.
I can use circumlocution to explain or describe things for which I do not know specific vocabulary or structures. I can understand and use different time frames and am just beginning to develop the ability to switch most time frames with accuracy. I can use transition words and concepts with some ease. My language has a more natural flow, but I still may have some unnatural pauses or hesitations.
Chiechieomw ewe epwe tongek usun eán aa tongei pwúsin ii, epwe tongeok itá usun eán tongei pwan aúcheani pwiin. Mi wor ekkan chiechi re chék chiechi ngonuk fáániten eár repwe angei och tufich senuk, repwe pwan chiechi ngonuk ren met áninnis en ka kan awora ngeni iir. Ikkana iir ekkana mi chiechingaw, pwe ese wor éucheomw mereer, ka chék éúchea ren pisekumw kewe, noumw kewe mwoni, nge esapw fáániten eán mwochen chiechi ngonuk. Kopwe kútta chienomw repwe chiechi ngonuk iir mi wenechar non eár fóós ngonuk, titiir me mwémwékútúúr únúkkumw iká núkún órumw.
- Level 7: | Advanced-Low
At this level my response contains a number of complexities with higher degree of accuracy.
Such language allows me to address each aspect of the prompt more completely and with more depth of meaning.
I am able to use Advanced vocabulary or Advanced terms, conjugations etc. with confidence. I feel that I can create natural flow using as much detail and descriptive language as possible to create a clear picture. Errors with more complex structures may still occur. My ability to switch time frames begins to increase in accuracy.
Ewer eei meen áchiechi ammen fókkun aúchea ngeni kich meinisin aramas. Úse sinei ren ekkóóch, nge rei pwúsin wóón inisi, úwa men saani ái úpwe áchiechi nón manawei. Ewer, chómwmwóng nengin rammen fókkun saani áát mochen, saani repwe chiechi ngenir ren eár mochen pwáári ngeni eár tong iká ifa sókkun manaweer iká netipeer ngenir. Nge ekkei áát, ussun repwe chék áte turunuffas iká ra fen kúna nge een nengin ammen weiresiti. Iwe ra fen wesen achocho me urumwot iká mwaken iká fen mochen chék eár repwe ette kukkunow ren een nengin, iwe re pwan wes me kukunow ngeni en nengin, angei chék iwe ra pwan súseni. Ikkana met mi kan fis ngeni ei, ina met ngaang mi fen kúna nónnómwur, núkúuw sa kan ppe ren eár kapas tunomich, nge netiper ese ennet. Esapw ii unusan áát repwe ina pwe ekkóóch chék. Mei wor ekkóóch repwe tong ennet ngeni een nengin, nge mei pwan wor repwe kirikiringaw nón manaweer. Ngaang emén úwa pwúpwúnú ai we úwa kerán kúkkúna pwúnúwei we. Tittipei nge epwe emén áát áte turunuffas, nge ennetin ii aapw. Úwa wesen kúna pwúsin úkúúkún eán ennet ngeniei nón fite maram, iwe me ikana úwa pwúsin núkúúw nón manawei, nge epwene chék ngaang pwúnúwan, ese wor emén me núki pwún fókkun ngaang chék. Waiooo! Iwe, tori eán ewe aa ette tingór ngaang ren ai we famini, ai we famini ra mwutaatá, angei chék iwe me ikana ám óuwa pwúpwúnú, ám óuwa nómw fengen tori iei am óuwa neuni néúm eei emén nengin. Kinisou Chapwúr.
- Level 8: | Advanced-Mid
At this level my response demonstrates my ease with the language.
I am able to create a response which not only addresses each aspect of the prompt, but delves into each point with clarity and concise language.
I am able to incorporate a number of more complex structures as well as Advanced vocabulary and Advanced phrases with a higher degree of accuracy throughout the majority of the response.
The language I create has a natural flow due to the way I incorporate a variety of patterns and complexities into my response. My response shows my ability to create language that has sophistication of language skills and syntactical density. My ability to switch time frames accurately is evident, if called for in the prompt.
Ngeni áchengicheng serááfé kana mi kan wor chienomw een mi fiffiti iteitan ráán. Iir met sókkun eár áchiechi ngonuk? Iir mi ééch are iir mi ngngaw? Lón aach eei faansoun ikenái, aa fókkun chómwmwóng kirikiringaw me weires. Ngeni kich ekkewe serááfé, ekkei sia chék mochen sipwe pwaapwa iteitan me pwapwaiti manawach me fénúfaan, sipwe chemeni pwe ach áchiechi ngeni ekkóóch mi fiffiti chienach kewe le kukkunow, epwe pwan tongeni efisata esapw iei lóngolóngan ach apwapwaai manawach. Ina mwo iká kich mi silei, nge mi chék féffééri iteitan pwe kich sia meefi pwe iei ach pwaapwa. Nge ren enletin, lon ierin teenage iká ier 12-13 feittá ngeni ierin ekkewe serááfé sia kan mefei sókópaaten memmeef me finaata sókkopaaten kefin. Áweewe, ach meefi pwe aa lamot sipwe chiechi ngeni ewe emén mi fen úkkún maruwo pwe sia mwochen sipwe ketiw meren me chiechian kewe chóón saani úún maruwo, iwe sia meefi sipwene fitiir ne úún maruwo. Pwan eew, aach meefi pwe iká sise fiti eew paari nge aa ngngaw ngeni kich, pwe sia fen tiwenó seni ewe apwaapwa iká sise chiwen pwan kúna apwaapwan ewe fansoun, iwe sia kan meefi netipengaw iká fan ii songeásini iká inach kewe me semach re pinei seni kich ach sisapw fiti ewe paari. Ese wor ngawen ach sipwe paari me kukkunow, pwún ina ussun aach sipwe meefi pwaapwa seni ach nónnnómw nein aramas/aramasach kewe pwan akkapworóus me ásissinei ngeni kich ekkewe ekkóóch aramas. Nge, iká sia fiti ekkewe sókkun chiechi mi ngaw iká ekkewe sókkun aramas resap apéchékúla kich ach sipwe sussukul me auselinga inach kewe me semach, iká ekkewe repwe pesei ach sisapw napanapeni ekkewe napanap mi mwúrinné, iwe sisap kúna pwaapwa pwe sipwe fen chék tonong lón osukosuk me feiengaw. Ammen weires nónnómwuch ikenái ren ekkewe serááfé, nge iká sia tongeni sipwe eáni eew letip mi mwúrinné iká sipwe chék ákkáchema ngeni pwisin kich ach sipwe fééri minne mi pwúng me ééch epwe tongeni alisikich ach sipwe meefi enletin pwaapwa.Iei minne kopwene túmwúnú ómw fili chiechiom kewe me kéfiliééch lón ómw kefil, pwún kete pwúsin feiengaw ren uwaan ómw kefilingaw.
Writing Section Tips
Additional resources can be found in the Power-Up Guide and on our Video Tutorials page.
- Be a ‘show-off’ – this is the time to show what you can do!
- Be organized in your writing.
- Challenge yourself to go above and beyond what you normally write.
- Be creative and don’t stress out over possible errors. Perfection is not the goal!
Simply do your best and enjoy creating and communicating in the language that you are learning.
Good Luck!
How do I type in this language?
Read our Writing Input Guide to learn how to type in this language.